Resolution 23-10
A Resolution Concerning the Membership of the Library Board of The City of Pinson
A Resolution Concerning the Membership of the Library Board of The City of Pinson
Ordering the demolition of a building or structure located at 7370 Highway 75.
Ordering the demolition of a building or structure and the abatement of litter/junk nuisance located at 5237 Dewey Heights Road.
Ordering the demolition of a building or structure and the abatement of litter/junk nuisance located at 5233 Dewey Heights Road.
Ording the demolition of a building or structure and the abatement of litter/junk nuisance located at 6020 Elm Avenue.
Ording the abatement of litter/junk nuisance located at 6264 Cole Avenue.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Catastrophic Debris MOU with Jefferson County.
Proclaiming the City of Pinson, a "Human Trafficking Free Zone"
Approving a contract by and between the City and Jefferson County, Alabama concerning supplemental speed control devices on certain streets.
Appointing a member(s) to the Zoning Board of Adjustments of the City of Pinson, Alabama.