Resolution 19-30
Appropriating funds to serve Pinson Valley High School.
Appropriating funds to serve Pinson Valley High School.
Authorizing the deposit of certain gasoline taxes and stating the intended use.
Resolution accepting said bids received on the 30th Day of July, 2019, for debris removal services and authorizing htey Mayor to contract with the lowest, most responsible bid received.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an inter-governmental agreement with the Jefferson County Board of Education in regards to use of gymnasium.
Ordering the demoliton of a building or strucutre located at 4794-4850 Bud Holmes Road, Alabama, Parcel ID# 09-00-29-4-001-001.000, In compliance with sections 11-40-30 through 11-40-36, sections 11-53B-1 through 11-53B-16, inclusive, of the Code of Alabama, and in compliance with Ordinance Number 2016-16 of City of Pinson, Alabama; and calling for the city to cuase said demoliton to be performed and directing the City Attorney and the City Clerk to cuase the cost of such demoliton to be charged against the land of which the building or structure exists as municipal lein or cuase such cost
Concerning Vulcan Materials and the Turkey Creek Nature Preserves.
Authorizing the Mayor to received bids for debris removal.
Accepting proposals and authorizing demolition of propery at 4094 Spring Street and 4422 Main Street.
Recognizing the 2019-2019 Pinson Valley High School Special Olympics team.
Concerning the membership of the Pinson Parks & Recreation Advisory Board.