Resolution 18-18
recognizing the 2017 Rudd Middle School Boys Track Team.
recognizing the 2017 Rudd Middle School Boys Track Team.
recognizing the 2017 Rudd Middle School Girls Track Team.
approving an inter-local agreement with Jefferson County EMA Concerning Emergency Sirens.
concerning surplus property- Truck.
recognizing the 2017 Rudd Middle School Football Team.
recognizing the 2017 Rudd Middle School Basketball Team.
authorizing the Mayor to execute a grant agreement with the Jefferson County Commission for repairs at Bradford Park.
authorizing the Mayor to execute an addendum to an agreement between the City of Pinson and AT&T of Alabama Concerning AT&T U-Verse.
accepting bids for the Rock School Renovation an authorizing the Mayor to contract with the lowest, most responsible bidder.
expressing intent to convey property for a fire training facility and authorizing the Mayor to proceed with administrative steps.