Resolution 17-49
Acquiring certain real property through netgotiation or the exercise of eminent domain.
Acquiring certain real property through netgotiation or the exercise of eminent domain.
authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pinson, AL, to acquire real property located at 4239 Main Street, Pinson, AL.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weed at 4169 Powell Ave.
Recongnizing the 2016-2017 Pinson Valley High School Special Olympics team.
Authorizing the Mayor of the city of Pinson to acquire real property located at 4252 Silver Lake Road.
authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for a roofing profect at the Rock School Center.
authorizing the Mayor to execute a lease amendment for the Palmerdale Homestead Community Center with the "PHCC" 501C3 Organization.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute a lease amendmend for the Palmerdale School property with the Jefferson County Board of Education.
Concerning an ADA Coordinator and procedure.
A resolution accepting bids and authorizing the Mayor to accept the lowest bid for a roofing project at the Rock School Center.