Resolution 16-40
resolution electing the office of Couniclor-Place 5 without opposition
resolution electing the office of Couniclor-Place 5 without opposition
resolution electing the office of Couniclor-Place 4 without opposition
resolution electing the office of Couniclor-Place 3 without opposition
resolution electing the office of Couniclor-Place 1 without opposition
authorizing and directing the Mayor to accept a proposal from VC3 for website, technical support, and other electronic support services.
appointing the city clerk to perform the duties for holding a municipal election as required by state law
resolution ordering the demolition of a building or structure located at 4169 Powell AVe., PInson, AL Parcel ID 09 00 31 3 002 017.000, in compliance with sections 11-40-30 through 11-40-36, sections 11-53B-1 through 11-53B-16, Inclusive, of the code of ALABAMA and in compliance with ordinance number 2016-16 of Pinson, AL and calling for the city to cause said demolition to be performed and directing the city attorney and the city clerk to cause the cost of such demolition to be charged against the land on which the building or strucure exists as a municipal lien or cause such cost to be re
concerning surplus property- truck
authorizing the Mayor to purchase vehicles for use by the City of Pinson.
Establishing the use of electronic vote counting devices.