Resolution 20-43
Authorizing the demoliton of a nuisance at 5438 Southfield Road N. pursuant to Jeffrerson County Circuit Court Case CV- 2019-902522.00.
Authorizing the demoliton of a nuisance at 5438 Southfield Road N. pursuant to Jeffrerson County Circuit Court Case CV- 2019-902522.00.
Concerning a public nuisance at 5138 Gold Leaf Lane.
Recogizing the Lambda Eta Sigma Alumnae Chapter.
Skipped Intentionally
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 3915 Libra Lane.
Appointing Brad Walker to the Pinson City Council.
Appointing election officials for Pinson's 2020 election cycle.
Setting the compensation for election officers for the 2020 Municipal Elections and for any related run-off election.
Appointing the City Clerk to perform the duties for holding a municipal election as required by state law.
Electing the office of Councilor-Place 4 without opposition.