Resolution 20-33
Electing the office of Councilor-Place 3 without opposition.
Electing the office of Councilor-Place 3 without opposition.
Electing the office of Councilor-Place 2 without opposition.
Electing the office of Councilor-Place 1 without opposition.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for the infrastructure installation as part of the Turkey Creek Nature Preserve pavilion project.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 7338 Plantation Road.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for covid expenses with Jefferson County.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4018 Saint John Way NW.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 6833 Brittany Place.
Concerning 4284 VFW Road.
Recognizing Shannon Galamore.