Resolution 20-23
Extending the deadline for the demolition of a building or structure located at 2812 Sweeney Hollow Circle, Birmingham, AL 35215, in compliance w/ Ordinance number 2016-16 of the City of Pinson, AL.
Extending the deadline for the demolition of a building or structure located at 2812 Sweeney Hollow Circle, Birmingham, AL 35215, in compliance w/ Ordinance number 2016-16 of the City of Pinson, AL.
Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract w/ Alabama Power for security cameras.
Authorizing the Mayor to make a cares act grant application for infrastructure improvement.
Concerning the acceptance of the dedication of certain rights of way in the Gilmer Industrial Park area.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 3640 McMurrey Lane.
Concerning the membership of the library board of the City of Pinson.
Approving a settlement concerning 6886 Highway 75.
Ordering the demoliton of a building or structure located at 4719 Brook Crest Lane, Pinson, AL in compliance w/ sections 11-40-*30 through 11-40-36, sections 11-53B-16, inclusive, of the code of ALabama and in compliance w/ Ordiance 2016-16 of PInson, AL; and calling for the Ciyt to cause said demolition to be performed and directing the city attorney and city clerk to cause the cost of such demolition to be charged against the land on which the building or structure exists as a municipal lein or cuase such cost to be recovered in a suit at law against the owner or owners.
Authorizing the Mayor to renew a greant cooperation agreement w/ Jefferson County.
Amending the appropriation of funds to serve PVHS.