Resolution 19-11
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for advertising and promotion with the Clay Pinson Chamber of Commerce for the 2019 Alabama Butterbean Festival.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for advertising and promotion with the Clay Pinson Chamber of Commerce for the 2019 Alabama Butterbean Festival.
Concerning the Clay-Pinson Chamber of Commerce.
Recognize the coach and team members of the 2018 PVHS football team for their outstanding work and dedication to the 2018 season.
Concerning the membership of the Library Board of the City of Pinson, Alabama.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Modular Connections, LLC for the construction of a tornado safe room.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for traffice calming device location and design.
Authorizing the lease of certain real property.
Authorizing the Mayor to pursue a FEMA grants in regards to the mitigation of flood properties.
Concerning 5940 Willow Ridge Road.
Recognize Donnie West for his service to the Center Point Fire District.