Resolution 18-38
Authorizing the Mayor to further amend the City's lease agreement with the Jefferson County Board of Education
Authorizing the Mayor to further amend the City's lease agreement with the Jefferson County Board of Education
Electing the Mayor Pro Tempore.
Wreaths Across America.
Recognize and commend Dr. Robert Bryant Jr. for his outstanding service to the Pinson Community.
Concerning fire alarm monitoring for the Rock School Center.
Concerning an amendment to the contract wiht the Jefferson County Sheriff in order to add a fourth contract deputy.
Authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute a contract for the purchase of real propery.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an adendment to the contract for enhanced law enforecment services between the Ciyt of Pinson and The Sheriff of Jefferson County.
Recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Jefferson County Library Cooperative.
Authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute a license agreemetn on real property.