Resolution 22-21
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4109 Powell Avenue.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4109 Powell Avenue.
Concerning service charges relating to the use of credit cards to pay city fees.
Concerning the Clay-Pinson Chamber of Commerce/.
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for advertising and promotion with the Clay-Pinson Chamber of Commerce for the 2022 Alabama Butterbean Festival.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 7338 Plantation Road.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4109 Powell Avenue.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4233 Walnut Street.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4221 Oak Street.
Ascertaining, fixing and determining the amount of assessment to be charged as a lien on the property known as 5237 Dewey Heights Road.
Declaring a public nuisance relating to overgrown grass/weeds at 4109 Powell Avenue.